Tuesday, October 15, 2019

PRODUCTION - change in typography and intertextuality (cover 1)

From my feedback, a lot of the comments suggested that the typography for my coverline did not stand out very much and the 'golden' needed to be more impactful. Therefore, I researched a font that gave intertextuality to the iconic films (left) and made the word 'golden' capitalised and much brighter and bolder.
Many people also suggested that I should add the 007 logo and others suggested against this, thus I added a small logo in the same golden colour to compromise this.
I added some darkness to the image in order to make the white text stand out more and add more mystery.
As well as the image of my model in a suit, the coverline "the woman with the golden voice' is an intertextual play on words towards the Bond film 'the man with the golden gun' which would be instantly recognisable for my audience.

Monday, October 14, 2019

PRODUCTION - change in typography and intertextuality (cover 2)

Compared to magazine covers I had researched the main coverline on my initial first draft (left) was far too long and did not stand out against the background, thus could not catch the eye of the audience. Therefore, I sharpened the typography and made it all black as, in comparison, it is much more striking on the eye (especially in my final draft with the white top and dark brown hair of the model). 
I made sure to turn the saturation of the image up and made the pink in the heading darker in order to stand out more as well.
The puff was also moved to the right third of the cover so that it wasn't covering the model's face and to adhere to the conventions of a magazine cover more.
I used a Gossip Girl inspired font for the 'you know you'll love it XOXO' coverline because, along with the 'spotted-', this is an intertextual link towards the iconic television series whereby gossip girl always signs off the episode with 'you know you love me, XOXO Gossip Girl' and occasionally begins a text with 'spotted'. Thus, fans of the series will instantly recognise, and even those who have not watched the series may recognise, as seen from my audience feedback.

Friday, October 4, 2019

PRODUCTION - change of model

The top left image was the choice of pose from my feedback and the image on the right is my chosen image for the second cover. However, when taking careful note from the brief, I realised that the model's in my two covers were very similar (fair skin and light brown hair) and the brief stated that production should include 'at least two models representing at least two different social groups across the magazine covers and contents pages'.

Therefore, I took another photoshoot with the same model for my gossip girl edition and a model with a darker skin tone and dark brown hair in order to portray a more distinctive difference between the two models.
Photo's from my second gossip girl photoshoot: