Wednesday, July 3, 2019

PLANNING - pitch

The Pitch 

The Feedback 

From my pitch:
- I have been able to consolidate an idea for my magazine with help from audience and industry research however the feedback has made me aware that I need to make sure the idea sticks to the entertainment brief because i am incorporating a hybrid entertainment magazine genre.
-I have become aware that I still need to consolidate ideas for my website as I focused my pitch more on the print editions.
-I was able to become confident in my idea.

From my feedback:
-the group praised my in-depth research into the brief; including the institution being Hearst UK and awareness of the young target audience and their needs.
-the intertextuality was highlighted as a good link to the brief, however, how this will be represented in my magazine was not made as clear. 
-I have found that I also need to create a clearer idea towards the branding I want to create, linking to the cross-media convergence with my digitally convergent platform.

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