Wednesday, July 3, 2019

AUDIENCE RESEARCH - my focus group - I created a Google Forms questionnaire to find out what my target audience look for in an entertainment magazine. This helped me with my planning and decide on an idea for my pitch.

Introducing my focus group

These are the people that I will focus asking my questions to throughout the production process of my magazine.

Name: Ella Findlay
Psychographic: Explorer
Demographic: E (student)
Interests: dance, music, sports/fitness, the environment, film, musicals
How often they buy magazines: rarely
How much they would pay for a magazine:£1-£2
What type of entertainment magazine they would prefer: a mixture, covering different areas of the entertainment genre
What would make them buy a magazine: the content that is featured on the front cover and who it is about

Name: Isabel Clifton
Age: 17
Psychographic: Aspirer
Demographic: E (student)
Interests: netball, dance, film/TV, music, acting, media, fashion, photography
How often they buy magazines: rarely
How much they would pay for a magazine: £1-£1.50
What type of entertainment magazine they would prefer: typically associates magazines with the celebrity gossip genre, so would expect to have exclusive information and news about film/television and the celebrities that feature in them
What would make them buy a magazine: the aesthetics and layout of the front cover, recognising the celebrities on it

Name: Molly Bates
Age: 18
Psychographic: Succeeder
Demographic: E (student)
Interests: singing, dance, music, history
How often they buy a magazine: once a month
How much they would pay for a magazine: £2
What type of entertainment magazine they would prefer: a mixture, covering television/film, music, celebrity news surrounding the entertainment genre
What would make them buy a magazine: the quantity and quality of the content that is featured inside, bright and interesting colour scheme

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